Minerva receives grant to help revitalize downtown area


The building on the corner of E. Line and Main streets where the revitalization is to take place.
The building on the corner of E. Line and Main streets where the revitalization is to take place.

Minerva’s Village Administrator Benjamin Gunderson says he is thrilled to share some exciting news regarding the Downtown Minerva Rehabilitation project. 

The village of Minerva has been awarded $200,000 in State Capital Funding to support this transformative initiative. 

According to Gunderson, the project aims to revitalize a key downtown building, with plans to allocate space for a restaurant on the bottom floor and establish a workforce development center on the top floor. 

“Our goal with this endeavor is to create a centralized hub that facilitates continued education and workforce training opportunities for local businesses and students alike,” Gunderson said. 

“At the heart of the Center’s mission is the provision of a diverse array of job certifications and programs tailored to meet the needs of our community. Upon completion, these certifications and programs will equip individuals with the necessary skills to thrive within various sectors of our local economy. 

We envision this initiative as not only a catalyst for economic growth but also as a means of fostering a more vibrant and resilient community,” he added. 

“I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to State Representative Monica Blasdel for her unwavering support throughout this process. Her advocacy has been instrumental in securing this funding, and we are incredibly grateful for her commitment to the advancement of our community,” Gunderson said. 

“The project currently has two other grant requests through the Appalachia Community Grant and Ohio Department of Transportation TAP Funds,” he noted.