A devastating incident unfolded on Monday afternoon when a 69-year-old female driver lost control of her vehicle, resulting in a fatal crash at Grace United Church.
At approximately 1:28 pm, Uniontown Police received reports of a collision with injuries near Cleveland Ave.
Upon arrival at the scene, law enforcement officers discovered a 2002 Chevy Suburban lodged against a tree in the front lawn of the church. Further investigation revealed a series of events that led to this tragic incident. The chain of events commenced at Beiler’s Penn Dutch Market, where the driver inexplicably accelerated to a high speed, colliding with a decorative horse buggy.
The Chevy Suburban then careened across all four traffic lanes of Cleveland Avenue, striking a culvert before ultimately coming to a halt against the tree on the church property.
No other vehicles were involved in the crash.
The driver succumbed to her injuries at the scene. The identity of the deceased has not yet been released pending notification of next of kin.
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