American Flags stolen from display along Faircrest Ave in Canton Township


Yes, people will steal just about anything.

The Canton Township Road and Parks Department is asking for the return of stolen flags that were placed along Faircrest Ave in honor of the 4th of July Holiday.

Canton Township, with the help of Canton Local National Honor Society Students and Operation: Flags of Freedom, worked to placed 1,400 flags down the stretch of Faircrest Ave.

Monday evening, the Road and Park departments reported six flags had been stolen from the display. The flags were displayed two years ago and no flags were stolen during that time.

“That’s embarrassing and something we didn’t communicate as a concern with our wonderful partners at Operation: Flags of Freedom,” the department said in a Facebook post.

“If someone is unable to provide for the purchase of their own flag, please contact our office and we will arrange to provide a flag for you,” they said. “Everyone should be able to enjoy flying a flag, but it should be your own flag and NOT one that is stolen from elsewhere!”

They are asking for the stolen flags to be returned and said no questions will be asked.