When will I receive my $1,400 stimulus check? Can college students get it? Who’s eligible? JMN explains


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After the Senate made amendments to the third COVID-19 relief package, the House has voted to pass the revised package.

The $1.9 trillion bill passed 220-211, mainly along party lines.

The bill, named American Rescue Act, will now head to President Joe Biden to be signed into effect.

The bill, which includes $1,400 stimulus checks, should be signed by President Biden by Friday afternoon. Checks could be distributed almost immediately to eligible Americans.

Am I eligible?

Americans with incomes of $80,000 or less ($160,000 for couples) will be eligible for the one-time payment of $1,400.

If you make $75,000 or less, you will receive the full payment. The amount begins to lower if your income is above $75,000 annually and phases out completely if annual income hits $80,000.

What income tax season do they look at?

If you have filed 2020 taxes already, your income from 2020 will most likely be taken into account.

If you haven’t file 2020 taxes, your 2019 return will be the consideration for the stimulus checks.

College students

In the first two stimulus packages, college students around the country were excluded from collecting the money if claimed by their parent.

In the new bill, college students, no matter the age, will be eligible if the filer meets all of the criteria.

When will I get my check?

The IRS says eligible Americans may receive their check by the end of March of 2021.